7 Hacks to Improve your Financial Retirement Plan

7 Hacks to Improve your Financial Retirement Plan

As opposed to the majority of retirement planning and lifestyle books that centers on investing – this new book from Jeff Yeager, ‘America’s favorite cheapskate’ makes the interesting case that you could have a joyful, worry-free retirement by simply spending smart and centering on what you really want.

In interviewing some proud, self-proclaimed “cheapskates” Yeager discovered that they have learned smart spending to the point where they are ready to retire very comfortably—and much earlier—on much less than the income required by the majority of Americans.

These are people that have discovered that the key to financial independence—and an entire life of happiness—has more to do with making the most of whatever you have than it does with actually having the best of everything. Being a “cheapskate,” isn’t about sacrifice nor is it about being greedy, it’s all about finding out what’s extremely important and being smart enough to bypass the rest.

With regards to retirement and retirement planning the advice of smart-spending ought to be comforting and very helpful to all that are thinking about wanting to achieve their retirement dreams.

Those who retire the cheapskate way have something in common:

  • They always live below their means throughout their working years, both as a means of saving cash for retirement and “test driving” their retirement lifestyle
  • Stay away from debt
  • Take responsibility as the CFO (“Chief Frugal Officer”) for their own money and retirement life, and not just take the advice of financial consultants
  • Buy a “forever home,” ideally, when started, they pay it off as fast as possible, and take pleasure in it throughout all stages of their lives, as well as retirement
  • Devote as much time maintaining their health and fitness as they devote making money and stressing about how to pay for healthcare
  • Design their retirement lifestyles and budgets to ensure that most or every bit of their essential expenses are covered by their earnings from Social Security alone
  • Figure out creative methods to leverage their free time, interests/passions as well as their homes to both earn money and save them all the more as soon as they’re retired

Retiring the cheapskate way isn’t just about getting just one type of retirement lifestyle, as readers will discover from the broad selection of people and families profiled in the book. Instead, it’s about mastering some vital money lessons, tips, and tricks—both big and small—that can help practically anyone retire better, earlier, and happier.

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