About National Mail Forwarding

When we started National Mail Forwarding, we built it on a concept that seems to have gotten lost in today’s world: Common Sense. We as a company live and breathe by Customer Service and we are constantly mindful of that. We’re not greedy so we don’t charge the high rates that other companies do, nor do we have the many “hidden charges” that some companies will try to sneak in. Our concept is more like a “pay by weight” process. If you need and use more of our services, you will pay for them as needed. If you get along with only a few occasional extras needed, you would not need to pay for them unless you actually use them. You may have a PMB number as part of your address, but you will never be a number to us.

Especially if you are currently using another service, take a few minutes to call the owners (days, early evenings and even weekends..just not at 3:00 in the morning.) at 605-593-4496 to find out what the differences are and how National Mail Forwarding will be your best choice!

National Mail Forwarding is the only company in the country that is owned by a full time RVer that we know of. We pride ourselves on doing things for our members that no other company does, such as selling good products that we all need at special Member prices or passing along information that will save you money in our Tips and Tricks.

We walk-the-walk…and that really does make a difference!

Thank You for considering National Mail Forwarding. We sincerely hope you give us a chance to earn your respect and business.