Americas Mailbox | Our Advantages | Mail Forwarding Services

Advantages of Using Americas Mailbox Mail Forwarding and Home Base Services

From it prime location in the City area of South Dakota, Americas Mailbox Mail Forwarding and Home Base Services can take care of all your needs wherever you are in the world. South Dakota is one of the best states to have an address and makes a huge difference in terms of saving money on taxes.

There are many advantages to using the company over any other.

When the company was built, consideration in regards to what RVers, Merchant Marines, Boaters, Traveling Nurses, Truck Drivers and extended travelers would want were all in mind.  It is owned by a full time RVer. In addition to mail forwarding and home base services, the company has a full-service campsites and available guest room lodging, two RV service bays, and used RV sales as well as vehicle insurance right on the premises.

Location, Location, Location

When the office was built there were many choices regarding where to put it but in order to it patron’s money it was sited in Pennington County, South Dakota which has the following advantages:
NO Wheel Tax which would help you saves around $40 to $120 annually, over a 5 year period; you’d pay close to $200 to $500 if you use other services. Why pay it if you don’t have to? Why not switch over?

  1. NO State Income Tax
  2. Tax on purchase of vehicles is just 4% after deducting your trade in at the dealer.
  3. NO yearly tax, such as property tax.
  4. NO Safety Inspection
  5. NO Smog Inspection
  6. RVer-friendly attitude
  7. It the least expensive state for vehicle insurance, it’s ranked the 49th least expensive state to obtain auto insurance.

Saving You Money

The company is all about saving you money compared to other companies and the services that are provided side-by-side. It offers the least expensive service of its kind in the state and even in the country. Hence, if you are presently using a different mail-forwarding service that charges more or you’re not pleased with the service you’re getting you can make a switch. Americas Mailbox are interested in serving you honestly and fairly, and don’t charge you for services you may not necessarily need.


The company is one of the few companies that offer guarantees. If it makes a mistake that costs you money unnecessarily, they’ll put money where their mouth is. There are very few companies that have the confidence to say that. However, there are some common sense limitations that apply for instance if the post office redirects your mail, the company can’t be held liable or if the police shut the highway and mails are not shipped out, that’s not the company’s fault.

Another Important Benefit

Anytime the company ships out mails through the USPS/Priority Mail, it is issued a Delivery Confirmation number from the US Postal Service. No other company does this It just too expensive but the company ships many thousands of pieces of mail and really don’t care.

And Yet, There Are Still More Important Benefits

Anytime any members comes to the Rapid City area and desperately in need of a place to stay, the company’s very own campground and guest rooms are always available.

And Finally

If its members are annual subscribers and they stop by the office to visit with the staff and pick up their mail as they are passing through Rapid City en route to somewhere else. As a way of saying thank you – the company will buy them lunch the first time they stop by.


This article is brought to you by National Mail Forwarding of Box Elder, South Dakota, part of the Americas Mailbox Companies. Visit us for more information on best retirement places at

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