Things You Need To Know Before Driving A 5th Wheel

Fifth-wheel trailers are famous for their unique appearance and designs such as the bulging front part and many other fascinating features. Even though they come with a fairly peculiar shape, a great number of fifth wheels feature bi-level floor plans, which implies that there’s enough space to bring your buddies and loved ones on your RVing expeditions.

The simple reason they are labeled as fifth-wheel trailers is due to the kind of hitch needed for attaching them to a pickup truck.  So, In case you thoughtfully and carefully make a choice of a fifth wheel, you should consider these set of questions.

What Truck is the most suitable for Fifth Wheel Towing?

When considering fifth wheel towing, choosing the best truck is crucial. Most people believe that any truck is going to work. Although it is possible to make virtually any truck work there are some specific ones that make towing Incredibly Simple. Check out for the specifics if you desire ease of towing.

3/4 Ton Pickups are the most suitable. As nearly all half-ton trucks have the ability to pull fifth wheels with an amazing ease. The 3/4 Ton Pickups are also recommended because they are stronger and have power over the trailer.

The length of bed is also very important. Should you have a shorter bed, you could get extensions. A more extensive bed is as well great for fifth wheels, it eliminate the necessity of purchasing added extensions for the hitch.

The right way to Hook up Your Hitch

Prior to taking off, it is advisable to understand the right way to hook up your fifth wheel to a hitch. Carefully hooking up your fifth wheel hitch is essential, and if you don’t feel safe doing it or it seem like it hasn’t been hooked up appropriately, allow an expert check it out. You can find out if your hitch is connected properly as your fifth wheel should sag. Needless to say, how to hitch your fifth wheel is dependent on the type of hitch you purchased and your fifth wheel, however you ought to find good resources to show you how to get it attached.

Study how to Drive

In the event you haven’t driven a fifth wheel before, it is highly recommended that you practice. Driving a fifth wheel is quite different from driving a truck you unquestionably have to get used to it. The greatest thing to keep in mind is to invest time and effort.

Driving fast and seeking to reach a destination fast in a fifth wheel is simply not safe.

Attempt backing up, making smooth turns and knowing how it feels to brake. As soon as you think you have perfected it, make a short distance journey to begin with.

Tips for RV Weekend Warriors

A great number of RV owners are always seeking more camping time but are finding it hard to work out a way between their jobs and busy schedules. Getting some time to take a break from work can seem like an unimaginable feat for them. However, becoming an RV weekend warrior is the solution to enjoying the RV lifestyle amidst tight work schedules.

To be honest: only a few people get an extra week on a yearly basis to say bye to the boss and venture out on the open road. Don’t lose hope! There is a way to enjoy campground regularly without staying away from your job. Here are a few ideas to help you.

Extend your weekend by taking a Friday or Monday off.

Everyone is aware that it can sometimes be challenging to take some time off of work. But most people don’t take up all their vacations days, and doctors think it is not the best for our health and overall wellbeing. If you can’t take the whole 24 hours you could take a half day at the very least. This is going to help you get to the campground in good time and the cares of the working week is going to fade away by the cheerful warmness of the campfire.

Cut down on the driving distance.

The longer time you spend driving, the less you’ll put in at the campground and hence it is advisable to reduce the driving distance to under two hours or less. Take note of traffic and stay away from heavily trafficked zones to get the most out of free time and eliminate unnecessary stress.

Camp close by on hectic weekends

In the event you can’t find a free weekend for birthday parties or other important family events, locate a campground that is close by and camp there for the event. You’ll be surprised at the nice county park that could be just some minutes drive from your home. There is absolutely no need to spend a whole weekend on just a few hours event.

Book a seasonal RV site.

Seasonal camping has grown to be common and widely recognized, and it’s easy to understand why. Whenever you have fully-stocked RV and ready to enjoy at a campground, short weekend getaways are great. Prices differ depending on location and facilities hence, don’t suppose a seasonal camping is out of your budget range.

Have a fixed weekend list of food options and shopping list

It is not advisable to always use campfire cooking on short weekend trip. A fixed weekend menu would mean that that you spend some on food prep the week before your trip. You could do bagels and oatmeal for breakfast and a roast for Saturday night. Additionally take time to shop for great camping food before going.

Order for Friday dinner at the campground

Reaching the campground and making efforts to prepare for dinner can be stressful especially for those who have kids that act like they haven’t eaten for a long time. Take that stress off the table by placing an order for food to go for Friday’s supper. You could pick up sandwiches or have pizza delivered to the campground. Call the campground office to help you with. It is advisable to place your order 20 minutes away

Tips for A Better RV Trip

Nothing is more fulfilling than exploring the wide open country road and the magnificent campgrounds in an RV. For years countless voyagers have gone on epic adventures that don’t require the kind of baggage checks and long security lines experienced at airports. Journeying on an RV offers an uncommon liberty on the road and limitless opportunities.

RV trips are generally fun, with lots of sights seeing opportunities and a couple of challenging to overcome. Ultimately, you’ll learn some extremely valuable lessons from your RV road adventures but here are a few tips to help you enjoy the RV lifestyle.

Plan Rest Days

The key lesson you should learn from you first trip is how to schedule rest days. When you drive for 2 days or more you could cover over 1,300 miles, that’s quite a challenging and long journey especially when towing the camper.

When you find a Walmart parking lot close by you could boondock for a while to refresh before going forward  as you’ll lose a great deal of energy at the beginning of the trip. Another great advice is to wait an extra day or more at a destination before going forward. As a rule for each four days of driving and sight-seeing, put in three days of rest, particularly when you are towing the camper.

Towing the camper is more challenging than driving without it. Although it is great to have it, it needs much more forethought and attentiveness than just driving the truck. Plain long driving days can make you get fatigued. Hence planning rest days is not only important but could save your life.

Driving Long Distances and Maintaining Your Refrigerator’s Coolness

The refrigerator can be powered by propane. However, RVers are divided on the basic safety of making use of propane while towing the vehicle. Most Rvers believe it is better to leave it off.

Buy cooler packs to keep the fridge cold. They work impressively so long as they freeze. Once more, investing a few extra days in one place makes it possible for the refrigerator to pick up, which will resolve this challenge.

The best way around this challenge is not to purchase a whole lot of food items which needs refrigeration at a time, eat out or visit the grocery store when you want to prepare foods.

Boondocking is Not Necessarily a good option in the summertime

boondocking is camping out with no connections, usually not in a formal campground. You could keep your camper in a facility without hookups if you want to but you’ll have to spend your first night in a campground to fill your fresh water tank.

Boondocking is certainly not the worst experience you’ll ever have but it definitely would not be the best.  You could run into serious problem with heat. That’s not to say you shouldn’t get excited about boondocking in the foreseeable future but do it just when the weather is right.

RV Repairs and Maintenance on the Road Could be extremely difficult to schedule

Ensure you get your camper examined well ahead of time and be ready to remain in a place if you must have service.

Moving forward: Journeying with an RV is actually a learning experience after some years you’ll pretty much adjust to the game, learn from your mistakes and move ahead, you are surely on your way to a fulfilling adventure.

Tips to Help You With Your Next Big RV Purchase

Being a guest at a local RV Show presents you with an uncommon and incredible chance to buy the RV of you dream regardless of whether you are still considering joining the RV craze or new to RV lifestyle, or perhaps you are an experienced RV Pro seeking to upgrade your vehicle. An RV show is simply the best place where you can get the finest deals.

A regular large market RV Show typically features hundred units of each RV brand and type to showcase to buyers coming for the show from numerous local RV sellers. Hence, it is your responsibility to study and come to a decision on the RV that would perfectly meet your requirements.

With a great number of RV retailers vying for your order, it is your perfect opportunity to benefit from discounted pricing and manufacturer bonuses which are only available to buyers during the show. In every RV Show you’ll always find manufacturer reps ready to respond to questions on products features and benefits that come with purchasing their brand.

An RV show is typically a long fascinating adventure. Hence, it is important to plan ahead of time to reap the benefits of the show. Here a few tips to help you enjoy the show.


If at all possible, get to know the dealers that would be coming to the show, this would help you know the models that would be available at the show.

Get a roadmap of the show and locate RVs you are interested in first before checking out other models.

It is not really necessary to go with every brochure at the show as the information on most of them could be easily found on the manufacturers sites.

Maintain a list of your top 3 RVs and always upgrade the list anytime you come across RVs that are more suited for you.

When considering the RV to buy it is important to take into account the type of camping you will want to do.  The RV lifestyle differs from staying in a brick and mortar home. As an illustration, some arrangement that might seem sensible in a house, such as the position of a household fridge, might not be sensible when boondocking.

Always ensure you take a photo of the RV’s sales sheet or model sticker first before taking the RV’s photos. This would help you make an informed choice when you finally settle down as all the details you gather might start to blur eventually.

Take a look at the layout of the RV to see if the living areas are easily accessible.

Save the million dollar luxurious RVs for the end of the show, except you came for the million dollar RVs.

An RV Show Cheat Sheet can help to remind you on the most important features to check.

Wear Comfortable Shoes as RV Shows covers a lot of ground, so you’ll most likely walk a great distance to inspect the numerous RV’s and trailers on display.



  • Comfortable shoes
  • A handbag to hold brochures
  • Notebook and pen
  • Photographic camera to snap RVs you are attracted to you
  • Water and Snacks – you’ll always get food at the shows but foods sold at RV shows are typically expensive.

Above all else don’t feel pressured to purchase at the show. The prices on display at the shows are still the same at the local dealer’s outlets as they will all return there after the show.  No need to panic If the RV you badly wanted gets sold you will find another one if you keep searching.

Steps To Cleaning Your RV

If you are pulling an RV from storage probably for the first in a year there is a good chance it is going to need professional and thorough cleaning to ensure it is travel ready. And like most people, the idea of cleaning an RV thoroughly seems like an overwhelming task. On the other hand taking it to the expert for cleaning is not a cost-effective option even though it is the quickest and easiest but here are 3 simple steps to cleaning with a modest budget.

Do away with the junk

The starting point to cleaning your RV is to do away with the trash and clutter that could be occupying your RV space. Any extras from previous camping should be thrown out, including stuffs you purchased the previous camping season that have expired or no longer useful, from canned foods to cleaning items, get rid of them all to allow for a free space. Getting rid of all the trash you don’t need is the first and most important step to extensively cleaning your RV.


Seeing that you’ve thrown out all the excess junk, you can pay attention to re-organizing your RV and making the most of your space. There are numerous products and accessories that can help you keep your stuff well organized without spending much money. Some office solutions are highly effective for organizing your RV stuffs. Wire baskets and desk organizers are great for holding smaller items in your RV’s kitchen or bathroom. Plastic bins or totes are a great option for storing larger items and makes it handy to locate anything at any given time.

Time to clean

The final step in making the interior of your RV ready for any journey is a thorough cleaning. There are a number of products available in the market that are great for maintaining and cleaning your RV and your are familiar with most of them because they are your regular household cleaners. Wipes and a dust rags should be used to give sparkling clean effect to your interior. Windows, kitchen equipment and sinks should be given special attention.  Cleaning items are cost effective and can be purchased at any campground grocery store.


Cleaning up the exterior of any RV is slightly challenging as RV’s are generally bigger than other vehicles. If you are courageous enough you could get on the roof top of your RV and thoroughly clean it yourself, it would definitely save you a substantial amount.

The ideal procedure for cleaning the exterior is to begin at the very top and then move downward, just like any car. Virtually any car washing solution will work however it is advisable to check the condition of your RV especially if the outside finish is beginning to oxidize in order to use the appropriate washing solution. An all-purpose heavy duty cleaner should be used in case of deterioration of the finish or oxidization. Pump sprayer should be used to do away with the implanted dirt. New RV’s with glossy finish can make use of a wash and wax solution to keep the RV looking shiny and looking new.

Motorhome Driving Tips

An overwhelming number of people across North America and beyond have heeded the subtle and tempting call of the open road by embracing the RV lifestyle. Most of these adventurers have either bought brand new RV’s or rent RV’s for short term vacations. Around 70% of these people are under 55 and a great number travel with children. The RV lifestyle is an ever growing trend. For some it is an inexpensive way to travel and have great fun while living on a lean budget.

Even as many people desire this lifestyle only few understand how demanding controlling an RV trailer can be especially those who are only used to driving small cars. However, being familiar with the challenges in advance and acquiring sufficient expertise and practical knowledge to conquer them is a great key to success when it comes to driving an RV.

Here are 3 aspects that are generally difficult for new drivers:

Lack of visibility

One huge problem that a large number of Rvers battle with is a lack of visibility. This is made even more difficult by the absence of rearview mirrors. Getting efficiently aligned side mirrors is the most effective approach to overcoming this challenge. Additionally, when backing up it’s highly recommended that you always stop and check your environment several times. If the absence of a rearview mirror is going to put you off from driving an RV there is good news for you. You could try an RV’S with rearview cameras instead.


A second principal issue for driving a travel trailer is turning. With an RV you’ll require sufficient room for turning. For this reason driving on narrow or restricted roads is a dreadful idea for a number of reasons: To begin with, you could possibly not fit in your lane or hammering cars parked on the roadside. Apart from that, turning an RV demands swinging out before the actual turn or else you might wind up colliding with the curbs.

Staying within lanes

As a final point, staying within lanes is a challenging part for most Rvers. The highway provides considerably more space compared to side roads, however it still has a couple of risk factors.

Instead of checking out your borders to determine if you are within your lane, just look forward. By putting your attention ahead you are going to slowly and eventually fall between the lines. As soon as you are familiar with the dimensions of your RV, driving within your lane on the highway is going to come naturally.

Even as people learn in different ways, no one should embark on a long RV trip without experience. To acquire this experience, you should consistently rehearse backing up, turning, and parking in vacant parking spaces and unpopulated highways. With persistence and expertise, you’ll figure out how to comfortably tow a travel trailer for your future vacations.

Tips To Buying A Used RV

Purchasing a second hand RV can often be a challenging task especially when you are operating on a shoestring budget. However, every known journey starts with a single step so also is the task of buying the appropriate and reasonably priced pre-owned RV, as soon as you take the first step everything else will fall in place.

A brand new RV, regardless of the style can be incredibly high-priced and depreciates more rapidly than other vehicles. Purchasing a brand new RV is not always a good option especially for beginners. On the other hand before purchasing a second hand RV it is advisable to spend quite some time traveling to find out what your preferences are. Here are a few ideas to help you buy a high quality used RV.

Look at the entire process as part of the adventure

Begin your search far ahead of your anticipated travel date. Prior to purchasing a second hand RV, you have to figure out the type and dimensions of RV that would better suit you. Some factors to take into consideration are the places and whether you intend travelling to and so on.

Go to RV trade shows

Hire or lend an RV – at minimum for a couple of days.

Learn more – There are lots of outstanding publications and eBooks, authored by industry experts.

Find the used RV you desire

Go through the adverts on the internet. A great site to look at is RV Trader. Visit the site to get a solid idea of the latest pricing.

Consumer pricing guides like NADA Guides for RVs allow you to type in year and make as well as other information to get a solid idea of what the right market worth of the RV is. Most dealers and bankers use this to figure out the value of an RV.

Look in your area

Keep in mind that, only a handful of sellers are “Internet savvy.” Check in your local newspapers. Look for new ads daily – know that the right-priced vehicle is going to sell very fast. Generally, there’s more chance of getting a bargain that another person hasn’t beat you to in the papers than online. However, for significantly less competition, try to find signs posted on an RV parked on a neighborhood drive-way or lawn.

Don’t discard the idea of importing an RV

Don’t get rid of the idea of purchasing a second hand RV from miles away. This can be quite economically beneficial and it’s not really challenging it is not uncommon to find Canadians importing used RV’s from the States.

Examine the RV

Schedule to check out the RV without delay or you might later regret it. Before going, ensure the RV is ready for your inspection checklist. It is advisable to make your own checklist drawn from your preferences. Request the seller to make sure all facets of the RV is ready for your inspection: the refrigerator should be turned on not less than three hours prior to your arrival, there should be water in the tanks, the battery should be fully charged. Finally the RV should be ready for test drive and every part must be ready for your examination.

Consider an expert RV inspection

If you’re inexperienced particularly if you are investing a huge sum it is advisable to hire a professional RV inspector to help carry out this task.

Be patient

Purchasing a second hand RV requires less money but more patience than purchasing a new one. The appropriate deal will come with patient. Do your research carefully. Invest enough time comparing and searching and the best deal would surely come your way.

Yearly RV Maintenance Tips & Tricks

Reliable and routine maintenance is part of the life of every serious Rver. However that shouldn’t be a hindrance to purchasing and living the RV life for anyone who wants to be a part of this adventurous lifestyle – besides, practically any appliance or machine we use frequently requires routine maintenance to function optimally. In the same way, the routine maintenance of your RV would ensure it live up to its full potential and for a much longer time while you reap the astonishing benefits that come with RV living as well as the unending pleasure and adventures it affords.

Trying to recollect the maintenance you carried out on your RV the previous year can seem like an overwhelming task. However to be more diligent in the management and maintenance of your Rv you must first of all make it a habit to log the things you do as well as the time, so you know when a particular task is due or overdue. You can get a simple form for this on the flipside of your Owner’s Manual.

These days it is almost a habitual practice for most people to service their home’s A/C and furnace on a regular basis, the same ought to go for every functional RV’s system. Even though there are a lot of precautionary measures you can personally take on a more consistent basis, such as changing filters or cleaning connections, it’s a good idea not to handle the more complicated ones yourself. You should have your heating and cooling systems as well as other sophisticated components handled by a professional one or more times annually.

The temporary adventurous types of terrain or moving load makes brakes particularly on trailers and motorhomes wear out. Hence, regular visual inspections for wear as well as having brakes serviced every year by a professional are highly recommended. Likewise, for towable RVers, make use of brakes collectively to evade accelerating wear.

Thoroughly clean the Vacuum carbon monoxide and smoke detector covers with a mildly dampened towel, Never spray the front panel with cleaning solutions and change as soon as possible if there are any problems.

Propane tanks ought to have some regular TLC. Consistent spot checks for connection stability, dings, paint deterioration and corrosion are a great step to take. If you are planning to touch up or repaint a canister, make use of light reflective color. It’s as well recommended to have an experienced and competent propane service agent inspect your tank and check for leaks on an annual basis, or after travelling 5,000 miles whichever one comes first.

The advantages of sealants can’t be exaggerated. It’s a good idea to reseal the external surfaces of your RV every six months. If you are planning to accomplish this yourself ensure you replace with the exact same sealant.

Finally, make the most of your dealer’s experience. Ensure you always consult them for some crucial tips on maintaining your RV. Some dealers work closely with their owners to help them understand how new features and systems work.

End of Summer RV Activities

The end of the summer season shouldn’t be a disheartening or boring moment. As a matter of fact, it’s a good time to take an RV vacation. An end of summer RV vacation would really be a fascinating experience for most Rvers. Depending on how late and the place you go, the temperatures might have dropped off a bit and you won’t stifle in intense humidity. Chances are you might even see the leaves drying if you wait for a lengthier time heading close to fall.

Below are a selection of RV summer vacation ideas and end of summer camping adventures.

Make your way to an RV resort

Yogi Bear’s Jelly stone Parks is a favorite for most families it features a great deal of activities and events for the entire family. From scavenger hunts to splash zones with swimming pools and slides as well as themed character weekends, it’s not possible to be bored there.

Attempt boondocking at some local places

Depending on the area you reside, you probably will not need to go far to move away from it all. Take a look at the BLM’s site listing public land where camping is allowed and make your way to any of these isolated campsites for a few days of complete disconnection from the world.

Take a flight to a location and rent an RV at your arrival.

From time to time, you need an exciting expedition. If money isn’t a problem, consider taking a flight to a destination then rent an RV as soon as you reach your destination. This way you’ll get the very best of both: the effectiveness of flying along with the convenience and relaxation of getting your private space.

Take full advantage of your woodlands trip by hiking, biking, and so on

If you hope to get pleasure from your trip, here’s the top secret: Don’t spend your entire days in your closet, lounging on the couch. Go outside do something different, dig deeper into the delightful landscape in your surroundings. You could go to the mountainous outback or the woodlands, bike around, move on horseback or simply on your feet.

Go to the coast for an enjoyable lounging by the seaside

If you live within close range of a coast, go out for a few days of swimming cocktails sipping or sunning. You’ll have a great time on the coast regardless of what season it is.

For an eventful adventure, go to a festival.

If you’ve not been camping at a festival, you’re really losing the most iconic RVing moments. There’s nothing that can beat getting together with other people in celebration — whether it music or something completely different being together with a crowd in delightful celebration in a fascinating experience.

Don’t overlook the power of your backyard!

The actual fun of RVing is really about the people you get to share your experience with and hang out together. Your own backyard is as well a great option when it comes to end of summer camping activities. You could camp in the driveway, fire up the grill for a delightful dinner, and have similar experience like those camping in distant locations.

RV Storage Tips

A family adventure in an RV is a wonderful way to see the magnificence and exquisiteness of the country. However, for the majority of people these kinds of family voyage are restricted to holiday vacations. Hence, it is crucial to keep the RV in good condition for the next trips. It should not just be parked without any attention until the upcoming trip.

Here are a few RV storage guidelines to ensure your RV is safe and sound.

Deep Clean the RV to Avoid Damage

Prior to parking your RV, you’ll need to do an intensive indoor and outdoor cleaning. For the outdoor a power wash is going to get rid of any dirt or bug remains which sometimes destroy the RV’s paint. On the interior, take out all foods and clean down every area to steer clear of drawing unwanted pests. This presents the most suitable occasion where you can unplug devices and verify that windows and doors are secure and protected.

To trap displeasing odors and smells, dispose some quantity of baking soda down the rig’s drains before. And don’t fail to remember draining water tanks especially if you want to store the RV for a prolonged time period.

Safeguard Your RV’s Battery, Engine and Tires

Before you store an RV, take time and ensure the batteries are 100 % charged and take advantage of the battery disconnect switch to conserve power. This helps you save juice when you need to go back to the road. In the event that your RV comes with a generator system, ensure you off the auto start so that it doesn’t come while on storage. It is advisable to take more serious steps if you are storing your RV in freezing environments.

Additionally ensure the fuel system is filled up so that extra moisture doesn’t start building up in the tank leading to toxic contamination which would eventually result in hindering your vacations plan. Make use of a fuel stabilizer or algae prevention to provide protection for your system.

It is equally important to cover your RV’s tires to safeguard them from the sun. Pump up to the tire  to helps resist tire flattening especially in cold weather.

Store Your RV with Vent and Window Covers

Vent covers are great at the time of storage and on the highway to protect the RV from the elements. Without vents and covers some unwanted pests can get into the RV via the refrigerator vent. Vents are not only ideal for keeping some unwanted pests out, they assist in releasing dampness and heat which could accumulate in a stored RV escape.

On a final note, cover the whole RV if you possibly can as the sun is so destructive to paint, dash panel and tires. But in the event you don’t intend on keeping the RV for a very long time, ensure you close the curtains and make use of a windshield screen to safeguard your RV’s interior from fading or cracking. Setting up something to prevent light from entering the windows, so that the heat won’t come in is highly recommended.