
Tips for A Better RV Trip

Nothing is more fulfilling than exploring the wide open country road and the magnificent campgrounds in an RV. For years countless voyagers have gone on epic adventures that don’t require the kind of baggage checks and long security lines experienced at airports. Journeying on an RV offers an uncommon liberty on the road and limitless opportunities.

RV trips are generally fun, with lots of sights seeing opportunities and a couple of challenging to overcome. Ultimately, you’ll learn some extremely valuable lessons from your RV road adventures but here are a few tips to help you enjoy the RV lifestyle.

Plan Rest Days

The key lesson you should learn from you first trip is how to schedule rest days. When you drive for 2 days or more you could cover over 1,300 miles, that’s quite a challenging and long journey especially when towing the camper.

When you find a Walmart parking lot close by you could boondock for a while to refresh before going forward  as you’ll lose a great deal of energy at the beginning of the trip. Another great advice is to wait an extra day or more at a destination before going forward. As a rule for each four days of driving and sight-seeing, put in three days of rest, particularly when you are towing the camper.

Towing the camper is more challenging than driving without it. Although it is great to have it, it needs much more forethought and attentiveness than just driving the truck. Plain long driving days can make you get fatigued. Hence planning rest days is not only important but could save your life.

Driving Long Distances and Maintaining Your Refrigerator’s Coolness

The refrigerator can be powered by propane. However, RVers are divided on the basic safety of making use of propane while towing the vehicle. Most Rvers believe it is better to leave it off.

Buy cooler packs to keep the fridge cold. They work impressively so long as they freeze. Once more, investing a few extra days in one place makes it possible for the refrigerator to pick up, which will resolve this challenge.

The best way around this challenge is not to purchase a whole lot of food items which needs refrigeration at a time, eat out or visit the grocery store when you want to prepare foods.

Boondocking is Not Necessarily a good option in the summertime

boondocking is camping out with no connections, usually not in a formal campground. You could keep your camper in a facility without hookups if you want to but you’ll have to spend your first night in a campground to fill your fresh water tank.

Boondocking is certainly not the worst experience you’ll ever have but it definitely would not be the best.  You could run into serious problem with heat. That’s not to say you shouldn’t get excited about boondocking in the foreseeable future but do it just when the weather is right.

RV Repairs and Maintenance on the Road Could be extremely difficult to schedule

Ensure you get your camper examined well ahead of time and be ready to remain in a place if you must have service.

Moving forward: Journeying with an RV is actually a learning experience after some years you’ll pretty much adjust to the game, learn from your mistakes and move ahead, you are surely on your way to a fulfilling adventure.

End of Summer RV Activities

The end of the summer season shouldn’t be a disheartening or boring moment. As a matter of fact, it’s a good time to take an RV vacation. An end of summer RV vacation would really be a fascinating experience for most Rvers. Depending on how late and the place you go, the temperatures might have dropped off a bit and you won’t stifle in intense humidity. Chances are you might even see the leaves drying if you wait for a lengthier time heading close to fall.

Below are a selection of RV summer vacation ideas and end of summer camping adventures.

Make your way to an RV resort

Yogi Bear’s Jelly stone Parks is a favorite for most families it features a great deal of activities and events for the entire family. From scavenger hunts to splash zones with swimming pools and slides as well as themed character weekends, it’s not possible to be bored there.

Attempt boondocking at some local places

Depending on the area you reside, you probably will not need to go far to move away from it all. Take a look at the BLM’s site listing public land where camping is allowed and make your way to any of these isolated campsites for a few days of complete disconnection from the world.

Take a flight to a location and rent an RV at your arrival.

From time to time, you need an exciting expedition. If money isn’t a problem, consider taking a flight to a destination then rent an RV as soon as you reach your destination. This way you’ll get the very best of both: the effectiveness of flying along with the convenience and relaxation of getting your private space.

Take full advantage of your woodlands trip by hiking, biking, and so on

If you hope to get pleasure from your trip, here’s the top secret: Don’t spend your entire days in your closet, lounging on the couch. Go outside do something different, dig deeper into the delightful landscape in your surroundings. You could go to the mountainous outback or the woodlands, bike around, move on horseback or simply on your feet.

Go to the coast for an enjoyable lounging by the seaside

If you live within close range of a coast, go out for a few days of swimming cocktails sipping or sunning. You’ll have a great time on the coast regardless of what season it is.

For an eventful adventure, go to a festival.

If you’ve not been camping at a festival, you’re really losing the most iconic RVing moments. There’s nothing that can beat getting together with other people in celebration — whether it music or something completely different being together with a crowd in delightful celebration in a fascinating experience.

Don’t overlook the power of your backyard!

The actual fun of RVing is really about the people you get to share your experience with and hang out together. Your own backyard is as well a great option when it comes to end of summer camping activities. You could camp in the driveway, fire up the grill for a delightful dinner, and have similar experience like those camping in distant locations.

How To Rent An RV

Voyaging on scenic route and camping in astonishing destinations in an RV is one of the most fascinating family experiences you’ll ever have, especially in our fast-paced and tech obsessed world. Nothing can beat hitting the open road and looking into the great magnificence of nature while on the move. However, purchasing a brand new RV to achieve this worthwhile dream isn’t often a workable option for most people. But thankfully, renting an RV to embark on your ideal family vacation on the road is quite easy now.

With the growth of modern technology, traditional businesses are constantly facing disruptions by the hottest new tech trends. One of these is the sharing economy or what is now popularly known as the peer-to-peer economy. This model is gradually taking over the world of business. Companies like Uber, Airbnb and RVshare are not left out of this latest trend.

The peer-to-peer model allow people who own RV’s to rent them out at the time they aren’t on the road. It is actually a win/win for both parties. The peer-to-peer marketplace attempts to bring people closer to their needs without the time-consuming and costly middleman which ultimately help customers enjoy the finest prices on RVs.

Here are a few tips on renting an RV

Plan Your Trip Details

The starting point to any fulfilling RV trip is preparations, just get started with the planning process. Here are some questions to ponder over as you start planning your trip.

Where are you planning to go?

The options are limitless when it comes to RV travel in the US. However it’s vital that you pin down one destination, along with the way you plan on arriving there.

How large is your group?

Since you know the place your family’s grand adventure would be taking place, you’ll need to do a head count of who’ll be going with you. It will help to you know the type of RV you require.

What’s your budget?

Preparing a budget is among the most significant factors in planning your RV family holiday. Keep in mind, your budget shouldn’t only include your RV rental. It is important to plan for interesting attractions, sight-seeing opportunities and activities, foodstuff, fuel, overnight parking and camping. It’s additionally recommended that you put aside some funds in case of emergencies.

What kind of RV would you want to go with?

Do you want a Class A motorhome that positions you higher up when driving or do you have a preference for a Class C with a truck build to it or perhaps a truck camper Or  a whole lot of options out there to choose from.

Look for an established RV Rental Company

Getting a top quality RV rental could appear a little overwhelming, particularly if it’s your very first time. But the good news is that sites like Outdoorsy and RVshare ensure that you get access to the finest RVs nationwide. You could browse through a wide selection of rental choices. The most exciting part is that peer-to-peer networks makes it easier to rent straight from RV owners, getting you a superior quality rig at the best prices. In addition you are going to have a sense of peace and security driving them.

RV Myth Busters

Countless people are desperately yearning for the flexibility, luxury and the independent lifestyle RVers experience. However, a great number strongly believe, they can by no means afford the RV lifestyle. They are drastically wrong because RVing comes with some inexpensive options.

With luxurious Rvs running into six figures and rapidly increasing gas prices, how could RVing be cost effective for the average family? Let’s dispel a number of myths concerning RVing and find out if an RV vacation is a smart option for you.

Purchasing or renting an RV costs a lot of money

No doubt luxury coaches and big fifth wheels could practically drain out your pocket. Custom rigs, particularly new ones can cost a fortune.

But you don’t actually need a luxurious large custom coach. Fifth-wheels and trailers can be reasonably priced, particularly if you purchase a second hand unit.

One great option to enjoying the RV lifestly especially if you are not going full time is renting one. A standard 25-foot class C motorhome goes for around $1000/week with limitless miles. You can get them totally pre-loaded with kitchen utensils, bedding and so on. They also come with zero costs for upkeep, insurance coverage or registration. You simply bring your clothing and you are on your way.

It’s less expensive to stay in a hotel

The charges for rooms in hotels are consistently rising. For those who have a large family and require multiple room, charges accumulate faster. On the other hand, renting an RV space costs significantly less plus there lots of tips to reduce the costs of an RV site.

It costs too much to fuel an RV.

It’s factual that gas prices are soaring, nonetheless it costs money to put gas in your car too and airfare costs too are rising. A sensible way to figure out your gas expenses for your RV trip is to make use of the Camping and RVing BC’s gas buddy on the Google map.

There are methods to reduce RV fuel expenses:

First, fuel up at a truck stop where prices are usually competitive or make use of a discount gas card.

Pack less because the heavier your RV is the more fuel it costs.

Driving 80-90 km helps you save gas.

An RV will put a restriction on the places you go

It’s factual that you don’t want to drive a big 40-foot rig down some thin twisty road.

But the truth is that RVs provide you with flexibility and freedom to go virtually anywhere you want to. Today’s RVs are powerfully built, well developed and simple to drive and can ascend into steep mountains as well as cross hot deserts. As a matter of fact, traveling in a RV could make your vacation a lot more flexible and impulsive and even more secure.

Additionally, if anything happens to your vehicle, you’ve got all the luxuries and conveniences of home in it.

Cooking in an RV is challenging

Almost all RV’s have modern kitchens built with refrigerators, freezers, stoves, ovens, and all the, utensils you need. Traveling in an RV means that you can benefit from the varieties in multiple locations. Shop at farmer’s markets and get fresh fish and so on. In addition eating in your motorhome rather than dining in restaurants can be a huge money saver.

Hence, if you’re on the search for a vacation that’s exciting, flexible, easy-going and affordable, try an RV vacation.

Tips For Packing Food For An RV Trip

Here are a few food and cooking-related ideas when journeying by RV:

Things move around, a great deal.

Things not closed in a cupboard would always move around, slide or roll from one end of the vehicle to the other. This is frustrating and hazardous as things could shatter and disturb the driver. It is advisable to package edibles in containers or wicker baskets and cartons rather than feeble bags. Wedge the storage containers in places they won’t move at the time of hairpin turns.

Travel with lightweight tableware and tumblers.

By all means stay away from breakables if you can. Weighty dishwares are not handy for RV living as they can topple from the shelves or fall from soapy hands in the course of cleaning. Go for light and portable tumblers and affordable patio-style plates and bowls as an alternative.

With regards to food, think shelf-stable.

Undoubtedly one of the benefits of RV travel is the ability to connect that sucker into a power outlet all through the night at RV parks. Any time you do, your refrigerator is certain to get cold. But when you put in some days moving from place-to-place that refrigerator could quickly lose its mojo and everything in it can quickly become warm. Because of this, it is highly recommended that you stay away from taking raw meat as well as other high-risk perishables. Choose things that are basically shelf-stable. It is fine to take little quantities of egg, cheese and yogurt if you’ll consume them fast.

Your favorite provisions should include: Canned tuna, couscous, dry salami, beans, tomato sauce, taco shells, oatmeal, bread, olive oil and fruit. You could add chocolate and marshmallows.

Catch-all spices in on big container instead of separate containers. You could pack a jar of salt and packet seasoning in a single container.

Should you choose to bring in more perishable food, bring along a big cooler you could easily refill with ice and move items from the refrigerator when necessary.

Stay away from a few tricky foods.

If you have a family that has a fondness for pasta, you should know, boiling a large pot of water in an RV is not really a good idea because any warmth you create is going to increase the heat in your living space, which could be bothersome on warm nights. Because of this, couscous and tacos work better than anything. Hard-boiled eggs works greatly too as you’ll turn off the heat as soon as the water start boiling.

In addition stay off from making pancakes or meals necessitating batch-cooking. In a small quarter like your RV, it is advisable to cook as quickly as possible and go outside to have pleasure time and great fun with your family.

Get out of your room for local finds

If you travelled to Oregon for instance you’ll have great time along it fertile overflowing orchards and U-pick farms. At Montavon’s Berries you could have buckets filled with blueberries at a shocking price of $2.60 which would cost a lot more at home.

It is a great idea to have a pre-planned meals list before embarking on your adventure as it going to help you safe a great deal.

RV Must do Trip: The Badlands of South Dakota

Taking an RV trip to the famous badlands of South Dakota would make you understand why the earlier settlers and American Indians referred to the regions as the badlands. The areas are extremely dry, unbearably hot all through the summer, rough, secluded and hard to get around. However, even as these descriptions make it seem like an unwelcoming destination to have your home, in recent times the Badlands has become a fascinating destination for great RV trips.

The Badlands has a National Park which shields great acres of distinctly eroded hills and peaks in addition to the best diverse grass prairie across the country. There is an unusually rough magnificence in this place similar to none other in The United States. You can find bison; bighorn sheep and prairie dogs in the park, in most instances you’ll find them at shockingly close distance but one must be snake conscious.

The Badlands were obviously a creation of the geologic process of erosion and deposition of sediments which started some 69 million years in the past when the sea stretched across the Impressive Plains. Following the sea retreat the land areas, which include rivers and flood plains, continue to put sediments. While the main period of the deposition ended some 28 million years back, erosion of the Badlands could not start until only half a million years ago. Erosion never stops to carve the Badlands buttes till this day. Ultimately, the Badlands would probably wear away completely one day.

During the Dinosaurs age a low sea shielded the Great Plains including the Badlands this accounts for the reason the Badlands is known as one of the world’s most abundant fossil beds. Because dinosaurs were land beasts, no fossils of them would be seen in the park. Huge sea lizards known as mosasaurs also swam in this centuries-old sea, together with sea turtles and a wide species of fish.

The park is accessible 365 day a year. Heat can sometimes reach unbearable levels in the daytime. So it advisable to plan any hiking and bike riding in the morning hours. The badlands are obviously a photographer’s Ideal destination. The craggy spires and open areas apparently seem like a new site with the rising and the setting of the sun. Sunrises and sunsets in the badlands are amazing. You’ll have to commit up to 3 days and some nights if you want to have a great view of the park.

Reaching the Badlands is not difficult. There are actually three campgrounds to choose from. Two of which are managed by the National Park Service:

Cedar Pass campground has close to a hundred level sites with striking views and sights of the badlands formations. The campground is just a stone throw from the Ben Reifel Visitor Center, The fee per campsite range from $18 for site without electrical hook ups and $30 for site with electrical hook-ups. Water, toilets plus a dump station and picnic tables are provided.

Sage Creek is also a great campground. You might probably see animals that look like extinct species moving about. The campground is situated near the Wilderness Area of the Badlands. You can easily get access through an unpaved road that could be sometimes close especially after the spring rain or winter storms. There are limited turnarounds on this road especially for large RV’s.

The White River KOA campground is a great spot in the Badlands positioned in a serene, rural area with lots of huge shade trees at the side of the White River. The campground has a vast dirt road close by which is great for biking. The campground shade is as fascinating as the swimming pool.