
End of Summer RV Activities

The end of the summer season shouldn’t be a disheartening or boring moment. As a matter of fact, it’s a good time to take an RV vacation. An end of summer RV vacation would really be a fascinating experience for most Rvers. Depending on how late and the place you go, the temperatures might have dropped off a bit and you won’t stifle in intense humidity. Chances are you might even see the leaves drying if you wait for a lengthier time heading close to fall.

Below are a selection of RV summer vacation ideas and end of summer camping adventures.

Make your way to an RV resort

Yogi Bear’s Jelly stone Parks is a favorite for most families it features a great deal of activities and events for the entire family. From scavenger hunts to splash zones with swimming pools and slides as well as themed character weekends, it’s not possible to be bored there.

Attempt boondocking at some local places

Depending on the area you reside, you probably will not need to go far to move away from it all. Take a look at the BLM’s site listing public land where camping is allowed and make your way to any of these isolated campsites for a few days of complete disconnection from the world.

Take a flight to a location and rent an RV at your arrival.

From time to time, you need an exciting expedition. If money isn’t a problem, consider taking a flight to a destination then rent an RV as soon as you reach your destination. This way you’ll get the very best of both: the effectiveness of flying along with the convenience and relaxation of getting your private space.

Take full advantage of your woodlands trip by hiking, biking, and so on

If you hope to get pleasure from your trip, here’s the top secret: Don’t spend your entire days in your closet, lounging on the couch. Go outside do something different, dig deeper into the delightful landscape in your surroundings. You could go to the mountainous outback or the woodlands, bike around, move on horseback or simply on your feet.

Go to the coast for an enjoyable lounging by the seaside

If you live within close range of a coast, go out for a few days of swimming cocktails sipping or sunning. You’ll have a great time on the coast regardless of what season it is.

For an eventful adventure, go to a festival.

If you’ve not been camping at a festival, you’re really losing the most iconic RVing moments. There’s nothing that can beat getting together with other people in celebration — whether it music or something completely different being together with a crowd in delightful celebration in a fascinating experience.

Don’t overlook the power of your backyard!

The actual fun of RVing is really about the people you get to share your experience with and hang out together. Your own backyard is as well a great option when it comes to end of summer camping activities. You could camp in the driveway, fire up the grill for a delightful dinner, and have similar experience like those camping in distant locations.

RV Myth Busters

Countless people are desperately yearning for the flexibility, luxury and the independent lifestyle RVers experience. However, a great number strongly believe, they can by no means afford the RV lifestyle. They are drastically wrong because RVing comes with some inexpensive options.

With luxurious Rvs running into six figures and rapidly increasing gas prices, how could RVing be cost effective for the average family? Let’s dispel a number of myths concerning RVing and find out if an RV vacation is a smart option for you.

Purchasing or renting an RV costs a lot of money

No doubt luxury coaches and big fifth wheels could practically drain out your pocket. Custom rigs, particularly new ones can cost a fortune.

But you don’t actually need a luxurious large custom coach. Fifth-wheels and trailers can be reasonably priced, particularly if you purchase a second hand unit.

One great option to enjoying the RV lifestly especially if you are not going full time is renting one. A standard 25-foot class C motorhome goes for around $1000/week with limitless miles. You can get them totally pre-loaded with kitchen utensils, bedding and so on. They also come with zero costs for upkeep, insurance coverage or registration. You simply bring your clothing and you are on your way.

It’s less expensive to stay in a hotel

The charges for rooms in hotels are consistently rising. For those who have a large family and require multiple room, charges accumulate faster. On the other hand, renting an RV space costs significantly less plus there lots of tips to reduce the costs of an RV site.

It costs too much to fuel an RV.

It’s factual that gas prices are soaring, nonetheless it costs money to put gas in your car too and airfare costs too are rising. A sensible way to figure out your gas expenses for your RV trip is to make use of the Camping and RVing BC’s gas buddy on the Google map.

There are methods to reduce RV fuel expenses:

First, fuel up at a truck stop where prices are usually competitive or make use of a discount gas card.

Pack less because the heavier your RV is the more fuel it costs.

Driving 80-90 km helps you save gas.

An RV will put a restriction on the places you go

It’s factual that you don’t want to drive a big 40-foot rig down some thin twisty road.

But the truth is that RVs provide you with flexibility and freedom to go virtually anywhere you want to. Today’s RVs are powerfully built, well developed and simple to drive and can ascend into steep mountains as well as cross hot deserts. As a matter of fact, traveling in a RV could make your vacation a lot more flexible and impulsive and even more secure.

Additionally, if anything happens to your vehicle, you’ve got all the luxuries and conveniences of home in it.

Cooking in an RV is challenging

Almost all RV’s have modern kitchens built with refrigerators, freezers, stoves, ovens, and all the, utensils you need. Traveling in an RV means that you can benefit from the varieties in multiple locations. Shop at farmer’s markets and get fresh fish and so on. In addition eating in your motorhome rather than dining in restaurants can be a huge money saver.

Hence, if you’re on the search for a vacation that’s exciting, flexible, easy-going and affordable, try an RV vacation.

Full Time RVing Dark Side: Thoughts before Making the Leap.

Fulltime RVing is obviously not for everyone, to enjoy a rich and stress free full time RV lifestyle you have to be exceptionally flexible, comfortable with travels and diverse weathers, greatly love the company of your spouse and be contented in a small living space. Ultimately, you must have a great sense of humor.

Detailed planning is also important for the RV lifestyle you must be equipped for unexpected occurrences. The fulltime RV lifestyle would offer you great freedom, adventure and life long memories but here are a few take on the dark side and some great advice:

Life wouldn’t stop for Travel

Newbie Rvers must have it in mind that Life wouldn’t stop For Travel. Life happens anywhere.  Rvers have to endure a lot of unforeseen situations, make painful mistakes, deal with health related issues, lose things, and sometimes wait for days to get stuffs fixed. And none of these is convenient. Life wouldn’t stop just because you are moving in an RV. The important thing is not the challenges that surround you but how you deal with them. So, get ready to handle the most unusual challenges on the road but be optimistic that they are surmountable.

RVs have less space compared to Apartments

Some new RVers are sometimes astonished at how small RV spaces are. Although your kitchen and refrigerator might be closer  but your shower would definitely not  be that walk-in rainfall you have in a brick-and-mortar home and the toilet might sometimes give a not too pleasant smell, even more disturbing is the fact that you have to move around with the waste. Sometimes you’ll miss some of your stuff but it’s the sacrifice for this lifestyle. One great tip is to camp in nature as city RV parks make your limited space look even tighter but camping in natural environments with trails gives more generous space outside.

You are not in a Fixed Place

Living a mobile lifestyle is one of the beauties of RV living you’ll not always live close to your favorite restaurant and always have to figure out where to eat shop or even get medical supplies. It’s actually an adventure most people love about the RV life and many new RVers make a mistake of racing around too much before learning from their mistakes. It is advisable to spend some time to know more about the local scene and weather before making a move by slowing down you’ll have an even more enjoyable RV life.

Budget and Money are extremely important

Money matters a lot you have to make arrangement with regard to your finances before making the leap. You could make great income from investing and have the proceeds become an income stream to sustain your RV living. Bear in mind that unexpected expenses can come which can put extra strain on your finances  hence, you have to watch your budget closely and adjust accordingly just like in your home.  You can cut down on travel and plan on boondocking for a longer time or chose cheaper camps in order to have extra cash. RVing allows for a great level of flexibility with regards to money. You’ll never have an adaptable financial lifestyle like it.

You will get too close to your Partner

The less spacious size of the RV means you’ll be spending the whole day with your spouse in a limited space you’ll have to make the necessary adjustment if you need to because it can pose a lot of challenges for you and your partner if you are not prepared. It could literally shatter your fulltime dreams hence, it advisable to be mentally prepared for this great adjustment. You could develop separate hobbies and sometimes go on separate sight-seeing trips or take solo-walks but with time it’ll definitely work out.

Why Retiring to an RV is a Great option

Living the RV life fulltime is a wonderful and fascinating option. It is as well a perfect way to enjoy your quiet golden days or even your youthful age. As remote work is becoming increasingly possible, many are trying out the mobile location lifestyle in advance before finally quitting their jobs. RVing provides a simple option to travel while maintaining some level of frugality and great lifestyle.

Here’s why Rving fulltime is a perfect way to retire or even to live out your prime working years.

RV Retirement living

A fascination for mobility and an inherent desire to travel around the country and meet people is making a great number of people embrace the fulltime RVing life. As opposed to other forms of digital nomadism, RVing lets you maintain most of your things and gives you the advantage of knowing where to sleep every night. On the other hand full-time travelers are forced to abandon nearly all of their belongings as they are flying from one region to another and must take all their comforts on an airplane. They also have to bear the stress of seeking lodgings en route while the Rvers would just look for parking and have a great night in their vehicle.

RV Travel

Not all RV retiree undertake full-time travel. Some basically want to cut back on some expenses as RV offers an amazing and relatively inexpensive option. They might look for retirement communities with RV parking, or RV parks specially designed for long-term occupants and seniors.

As the RV lifestyle is becoming ever more popular among people of various age groups, there are a variety of tools including apps and programs at the full timer’s disposal to help with planning, campgrounds selection, and social networks and so on to ensure that full timers have a great experience while traveling.

RV Retirement Cost

One popular notion that must to be dispelled is that RV retirement is always frugal and very affordable. Although RV retirement living is usually an incredibly inexpensive option but could a money drain when it is not approached thoughtfully. For instance the freedom of mobility and the open road would tempt a lot of people to move unnecessarily and without proper planning. Of course, traveling and seeing different places is a great experience but you must remember that your wheels need enough fuel to keep moving and while RVs are superb and a fascinating in different ways  only a few  are gas efficient.

You also have some additional cost such as registration, insurance, food and entertainment as well as campground fees among others.

Affordable RV Retirement

The good news is, if you are looking to retire to an RV to live frugally, you will definitely have plenty of cash saving options. Full-time RV retirement enables you make choices on your accommodation which can help you change your monthly expenses much more easily than when paying for a mortgage. You could even get a price reduction on your campground by committing to a longer-term space lease.

Top 3 Tips for Buying an RV

RVing is the perfect type of adventure travel. It is practically fun and the excitement is just outside your door. Regardless of whether you are at the beach, in the mountain ranges or close to the river, you just need to walk into the outdoors to experience life the way it was intended to be lived.

Here are Top 3 Essential Tips for Purchasing your first RV

1: Buy the Biggest RV You Can Afford

Bigger will always be better when it comes to RV. Bigger RV’s provides you with more space to spread out and more storage space to bring a lot of stuff. A bigger RV means more bathrooms, more bunks, more counter space, a bigger fridge, more seating and even more slideouts to make your living space a whole lot larger. You don’t have to break the bank but buy the best RV you can afford since it is a major investment.

2: Buy a Diesel Pusher

There are absolutely no reasons why you should consider buying a gas RV.  If you travel extensively and need reliability, big tanks and mega power it far better to buy a Diesel Pusher because it has a workhorse, and you’ll love it.

A diesel engine has a lot more power for the mountain roads you’ll travel. It also has much better fuel efficiency, which is important when driving into the most remote places. A diesel pusher makes for a considerably quieter ride as the engine is in the back. The generator is in the front, so if you are running it for the a/c at night you are not kept awake by its loud humming. Another great reason is that diesel engines last longer.

3: Buy Used

If it’s an option, buy used. Competition for quality used RV’s is very fierce out there and as such there are lots of deals out there. Wait patiently, don’t go for the first “decent” rig you find. Rather, be careful and wait for the best deal. But if you have a very specific make and model and can’t be flexible on the floor plan, you’ll be forced to hit a dealer and pay the big bucks!

So there you have it, great 3 Tips When Buying an RV. Of course there are lots of other things to consider, like your type of travel you’ll, limits on size for the places you will be visiting, the number of miles, the size of your family … but these are great tips.