Tips to Help You With Your Next Big RV Purchase

Being a guest at a local RV Show presents you with an uncommon and incredible chance to buy the RV of you dream regardless of whether you are still considering joining the RV craze or new to RV lifestyle, or perhaps you are an experienced RV Pro seeking to upgrade your vehicle. An RV show is simply the best place where you can get the finest deals.

A regular large market RV Show typically features hundred units of each RV brand and type to showcase to buyers coming for the show from numerous local RV sellers. Hence, it is your responsibility to study and come to a decision on the RV that would perfectly meet your requirements.

With a great number of RV retailers vying for your order, it is your perfect opportunity to benefit from discounted pricing and manufacturer bonuses which are only available to buyers during the show. In every RV Show you’ll always find manufacturer reps ready to respond to questions on products features and benefits that come with purchasing their brand.

An RV show is typically a long fascinating adventure. Hence, it is important to plan ahead of time to reap the benefits of the show. Here a few tips to help you enjoy the show.


If at all possible, get to know the dealers that would be coming to the show, this would help you know the models that would be available at the show.

Get a roadmap of the show and locate RVs you are interested in first before checking out other models.

It is not really necessary to go with every brochure at the show as the information on most of them could be easily found on the manufacturers sites.

Maintain a list of your top 3 RVs and always upgrade the list anytime you come across RVs that are more suited for you.

When considering the RV to buy it is important to take into account the type of camping you will want to do.  The RV lifestyle differs from staying in a brick and mortar home. As an illustration, some arrangement that might seem sensible in a house, such as the position of a household fridge, might not be sensible when boondocking.

Always ensure you take a photo of the RV’s sales sheet or model sticker first before taking the RV’s photos. This would help you make an informed choice when you finally settle down as all the details you gather might start to blur eventually.

Take a look at the layout of the RV to see if the living areas are easily accessible.

Save the million dollar luxurious RVs for the end of the show, except you came for the million dollar RVs.

An RV Show Cheat Sheet can help to remind you on the most important features to check.

Wear Comfortable Shoes as RV Shows covers a lot of ground, so you’ll most likely walk a great distance to inspect the numerous RV’s and trailers on display.



  • Comfortable shoes
  • A handbag to hold brochures
  • Notebook and pen
  • Photographic camera to snap RVs you are attracted to you
  • Water and Snacks – you’ll always get food at the shows but foods sold at RV shows are typically expensive.

Above all else don’t feel pressured to purchase at the show. The prices on display at the shows are still the same at the local dealer’s outlets as they will all return there after the show.  No need to panic If the RV you badly wanted gets sold you will find another one if you keep searching.

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