Top 3 Tips for Buying an RV

RVing is the perfect type of adventure travel. It is practically fun and the excitement is just outside your door. Regardless of whether you are at the beach, in the mountain ranges or close to the river, you just need to walk into the outdoors to experience life the way it was intended to be lived.

Here are Top 3 Essential Tips for Purchasing your first RV

1: Buy the Biggest RV You Can Afford

Bigger will always be better when it comes to RV. Bigger RV’s provides you with more space to spread out and more storage space to bring a lot of stuff. A bigger RV means more bathrooms, more bunks, more counter space, a bigger fridge, more seating and even more slideouts to make your living space a whole lot larger. You don’t have to break the bank but buy the best RV you can afford since it is a major investment.

2: Buy a Diesel Pusher

There are absolutely no reasons why you should consider buying a gas RV.  If you travel extensively and need reliability, big tanks and mega power it far better to buy a Diesel Pusher because it has a workhorse, and you’ll love it.

A diesel engine has a lot more power for the mountain roads you’ll travel. It also has much better fuel efficiency, which is important when driving into the most remote places. A diesel pusher makes for a considerably quieter ride as the engine is in the back. The generator is in the front, so if you are running it for the a/c at night you are not kept awake by its loud humming. Another great reason is that diesel engines last longer.

3: Buy Used

If it’s an option, buy used. Competition for quality used RV’s is very fierce out there and as such there are lots of deals out there. Wait patiently, don’t go for the first “decent” rig you find. Rather, be careful and wait for the best deal. But if you have a very specific make and model and can’t be flexible on the floor plan, you’ll be forced to hit a dealer and pay the big bucks!

So there you have it, great 3 Tips When Buying an RV. Of course there are lots of other things to consider, like your type of travel you’ll, limits on size for the places you will be visiting, the number of miles, the size of your family … but these are great tips.

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